FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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My success as a candidate

Die Chancen einer Vermittlung hängt von den Bedürfnissen der Bildungsinstitutionen ab. Alle registrierten Personen stellen Ihre Daten diesen zur Verfügung. Die Bildungsinstitutionen erhalten anschliessend die Möglichkeit die Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten nach Ihren Anforderungen zu durchleuchten und mit diesen im Falle eines Matchs Kontakt aufzunehmen. 

It would help if you have your resume or social media profile to hand. However we do not allow automatic uploading of your data directly from other platforms, nor even from your resume.

We have deliberately disabled the option to upload your existing resume. This means that you will need to add your key profile attributes yourself in our database. As a result, all profiles are presented equally by the system for easy searching. In addition, all profiles are listed anonymously in order to focus primarily on skills and experience. If you are subsequently contacted by a company, you can and should submit your full resume at that point.

Experience has shown that searching universities always look for complete profiles. Important tip:
Try to fill out 100% of the fields.

 When logged in, you can see how your profile is presented to searching companies under "Profile view".

 When logged in, you can see how your profile is presented to searching companies under "Profile view".

The counter fields indicate that your profile has been displayed "X" times in searches and "Y" times in detail. "X" corresponds to a search query from a company (comparable to a "hit" in a search engine). "Y" Corresponds to an actual click and thus a specific viewing of your profile. You may find that you have more profile views than searches, as searching companies are able to click through candidate profiles without first making a search query.

We leave it up to you whether to include a photo in your profile. If you choose to include a photo, be sure to upload a recent example having true likeness.

Halten sie es kurz und bündig. Zeigen Sie Ihre Motivation und Ihr Knowhow in wenigen Worten auf. Versuchen Sie dabei so authentisch wie möglich zu wirken. Unterlassen Sie es bitte auch Ihre Mailadresse, Adresse oder Telefonnummer zu hinterlegen. 

Contact with an Educational Institute

Technical issues & Security

You can change your e-mail address when you are logged in under "Edit profile" "Personal information".


You can pay through your credit card